Recover from Your Holiday Hangover

Bottom Line: Prolonged stress, long travel and maybe just one too many fruitcakes can all contribute to the dreaded holiday hangover. Well, with the New Year comes a new opportunity to get healthier, lose those extra pounds, and overcome the holiday hangover. How we eat plays a huge role in our weight and our energy levels. When you have a low energy level, it’s difficult to get the motivation to stay active and exercise. However, when you give your body the proper nutrition, you can have more energy, lose more weight, and stay more active. So instead of focusing on the foods you shouldn’t eat, let’s highlight a few foods and supplements that can help you stay active, energize, and get ready to shed those pounds.

Why it Matters: For healthy foods to give you an energy boost, it’s all about eating the right ones at the right time. Eating small meals and snacking throughout the day is a great way to keep your body fueled and your energy levels high.

Here are a few high energy foods (without that sugar crash):

Also, keep in mind that supplements such as fish oil and probiotics can help you reduce inflammation and keep your gut healthy and happy.

Next Steps: Start by eating a few small meals per day and snacking every few hours in-between. This will help keep your energy up throughout the day. You’ll feel better, think better, and be more motivated to stick with your exercise routine. The New Year is a great time to improve your health, get a little extra motivation and even lose a few pounds in the process!


Dr. Travis McKay

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